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Optimize Your Business with Next-Generation Solutions

Our Solutions

Production Management

Efficiency in production processes plays a critical role in a company's success. At DeepSolution, we optimize your production processes with our real-time monitoring and analysis capabilities. By tracking your orders from start to finish, we aim for maximum efficiency and minimum waste at every stage. Our simplified production management provides full control and visibility at every point of your production line.

Quality Management

Quality is the key to staying competitive in a market. DeepSolution's Quality Control Module ensures continuous inspection at every stage of your production processes, guaranteeing the highest quality standards. Our Inline Process Control Module allows you to instantly observe your production quality through our visual traffic light system and intervene timely when necessary.

Machine Breakdown Tracking and Analysis

Machine breakdowns can lead to unexpected delays and cost increases in production processes. DeepSolution tracks machine breakdown events in real-time and simplifies your maintenance processes. Additionally, with our BI module, you can analyze your machine performance and proactively address potential issues.

Business Intelligence

Data-driven decision-making is a factor shaping the future of businesses. DeepSolution's business intelligence analyses provide valuable insights for all your processes, from production to quality control. These analyses allow you to make strategic decisions to enhance your business performance, reduce costs, and optimize processes.


Our Advantages

Quick Remote Start

DeepSolution offers a quick start with its user-friendly interface and customizable features. Its cloud-based structure ensures businesses can start the service without any time loss, accessible from anywhere.


Compared to traditional software and infrastructure investments, DeepSolution's SaaS model significantly reduces costs. Its scalable structure means businesses only pay for the resources they need.

Easy to Use

DeepSolution minimizes the training process with its user-friendly interface and intuitive design, ensuring users quickly learn and effectively use the platform.

Multi-Language Support

Ideal for businesses operating in different geographies. DeepSolution supports multiple languages, enabling effective operations in the global market.

Modular and Flexible Analytics

There are customizable analytical modules according to the unique needs of businesses. This modular structure allows businesses to use only the analysis tools they need.


DeepSolution is a continuously updated platform, ensuring businesses always have access to the latest features and security updates.

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